Kimchi Fried Rice Mr Baek's Recipe

Mr Baek's recipe
Ingredients (1 person)

1.  1 bowl of steam rice
2.  1/3 cup or 80g kimchi (chopped into small pieces)
3.  2 stalks spring onions (chopped)
4.  1 tbsp chilli powder.
5.  1 tbsp light soy sauce
6.  1 tsp sugar (Mr Baek uses brown sugar)
7.  50g mozzarella cheese (can be replaced by cheddar cheese or slice cheese)
8.  seaweed (optional)
9.  sesame seeds (optional)


Kimchi base

1.  Heat spring onion to a heated frying pan with oil.
2.  Stir fry spring onion until browned.
3.  Add kimchi and stir fry.
4.  Add light soy sauce and sugar and mix well.
5.  Add fine chili powder and mix well.  Make sure the heat is low and do not burn chili powder.
6.  Set aside


1.  In a mixing bowl, mix rice with kimichi base.
2.  Spread kimchibap to a pan. (Heat off first)
3.  Turn on to low heat and add cheese.
4.  Cover with a lid if you have.  Or else allow cheese to melt.
5.  Fold kimchibap in half on plate.
6.  Serve with egg, seaweed flakes and sesame seeds.

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