Apple Turnover Recipe

Apple Turnover  (make 4)


1.  3 apples
2.  2 tablespoons butter
3.  Some raisins
4.  1 egg
5.  1 sheet puff pastry
6.  3 tablespoons sugar
7.  A pinch of salt
8.  1 tablespoon plain flour
9.  1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
10.  some orange zest


1.  Preheat airfryer for 15 mins at 160 degree.

2.  Peel apple and cut apples into cubes.

3.  Melt butter in a pan.

4.  Add apple and raisin.  Stir well.
5.  Add cinnamon powder, sugar, salt and orange zest and stir for a few minutes until apple soften.
6.  Add flour and stir well.

7.  Cut puff pastry into 4 squares.  Put some apples and raisins in the middle of the pastry sheet. Bush some beaten eggs around the pastry sheet and fold it into a triangular shape.

8.  Baked for 15 mins, 160 degree

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